Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Yea… so my posting everyday sort of fell apart, but maybe I can get back into it. Two weekends ago we went to the Wizard World Comic Con here in town. They were really unorganized, but it was still fun. Hubby got to meet Stan Lee and take a pic with him and that was the whole point of it for me. I sat in on Adam Baldwin’s panel and got to tell Erin Grey she was cool in the Guild this season  We got to hear Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca!!) read is children’s book and later I got to meet him and take a picture with him (and I don’t look totally Derpy in it either). This weekend, Friday night we went to The Woman In Black. It wasn’t bad… though I could do without a theater full of teenagers. Saturday we drove to Hobby Lobby (there’s not one in town sadly) and ate at Olive Garden. In the evening (LATE in the evening) we met up with T and went to see Jonthan Coulton and They Might Be Giants. It was a really good show, and I even had a few beers (something I rarely do)and much fun was had. However… staying up until 2am is not something I routinely do, so I was very tired on Sunday. I did construct an entire quilt top between 5pm Saturday and 9pm Sunday, so that was really satisfying. I even ordered the backing fabric that same day, so as soon as I get it, I’ll make the backing and pop it in the mail to my SIL to quilt on her long arm machine. I have a quilt top (From a class I took in Nov) that I need to put borders on and prepare the backing so I can send that too. I did the Giant Star tutorial from incolororder’s blog with a set of fat quarters I got from Christmas (plus one I bought to coordinate). It will be the first quilt I keep for myself. I splurged on some coordinating Michael Miller flannel for the backing.
I’m doing a hoopla swap on craftster.org. I always get really excited to do it, then lose inspiration and worry that it doesn’t look good. There’s a monster high swap that I’ll probably sign up for just for G. Too bad she’s not here to work on it with me. I need to get my Nerdist quilt done to take to the show in March. This weekend, I have a bridal shower for B on Sunday. I’m hoping Saturday to do a little Valentines day/trip necessities shopping then maybe picking up Breaking Dawn and crafting (I know, I know… but I can’t help it, I want to watch it even thought it will probably be cheese-tastic).
Next weekend is E’s 19th birthday. It worked out that it’s also Mardi Gras, so hubby has some time off (and I’m taking of a day) and we’re going to see her. It works out that G has that Monday off (and Friday, and half day thursday for some reason), so we’ll drive Friday night, then sat morning pick up G and drive the rest of the way to see E. We’re not going to be able to make it to see G for her birthday in March, so we’ll celebrate both of their birthdays. Hopefully we’ll get to go see G for Easter and then we’ll have her all summer.
I’m feeling kind of burnt out at work. The morning drive, which on average now is taking an hour+ is part of it. I’m going try some audiobooks, see if that helps (not that I don’t love me some NPR, but the near constant stream of political stuff right now makes me want to scream). Only downside, the library carries mostly WMA files. I found some knitting mystery books that are MP3, so I’m going to try one of those tomorrow. I’m on the waitlist for Hunger Games (I wanted to re-read before the movie, so maybe this will be a compromise).
I really just want to go home and nap… or craft and watch Downton Abbey (too bad my sewing machine is a tad too loud to watch anything that requires you pay close attention to dialog.)
I also feel like I should start a webpage called “Sewing with Vincent the Cat”… he’s always ‘helping’ when I’m sewing, so I’ve been snapping pics of him. Speaking of pics… I sort of want one of the Hipster cameras like what they sell at Urban Outfitters and some film.

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