Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I've been very cranky lately. I dunno what it is. Some of it is stress, and last week I blamed my period, but grr. Getting headaches a lot is really frustrating. I finished getting the pilot study part of my thesis typed today. That should feel like an accomplishment, but it doesn't, considering it's taken 3 weeks to do. I had to put all the data into SPSS. I had originally done it in Excel. I dunno what made me think I wouldn't have to do it over in SPSS (perhaps the fact that I didn't have a copy of SPSS at the time-- and didn't want to drive an hr+ to go use the computers on campus). I'm to the point I don't even care about my thesis. I have no interest. I feel like grad school had been a giant waste of time and money (money I am still having to fork out.... another $400 for 1 thesis hr over the summer). I just want to be done, but I can't quite seem to get it together and get it finished. Doesn't help that I'm at a loss at how to do the calculations and I get told it was something I should have learned in class...2 years ago. What I did learn was forgotten, and it was a poorly taught class. I'm sick of PHD's with a powertrip (like PHD bighead at work...)
Husband has to go out of town next week, his aunt is having surgery, and his grandmother most likely has Alzheimer's(they live together), and his sister thinks one of them should be there for the surgery, to assess the situation and incase something goes wrong. We live closer (5hrs...vs Arizona), so he gets to be the one to go. That means I'll have G, by myself Wed afternoon through Saturday. I've had her fulldays and into the late evening, but I've never watched (that sounds like babysitting...) her alone, over night for multiple days. I don't see it being too big of an issue, I just don't want her to freak out. We had to find her a summer camp for next week so that there would be some place for her to go when I"m at work. The real test will be thurs and friday when I have to get her up at 6:15 so I can drop her off before I go to work.
Greekfest is this weekend. We were going to get a babysitter for sat night and go out... but that's not working out. I'm sorta bummed. We'll either take G with (which every year the kids have whined the whole time...) or we won't go. MAybe we'll have luck, and she'll get invited to sleepover (I swear I need a organizer just for her activity and social engagements) and we can go sans kiddo
Eh... it's already 9:30 and work in the morning....I hope to be in a better mood tomorrow

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