Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Good thing about today
- yummy dinner
- started quilting Lisa's quilt

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday I stayed in my pjs most of the day and cut fabric and watched stuff on the dvr. Saw devil inside- it sucked, should have gone to beauty and the beast.
Jan 15, 2012 good things
- worked on prepping fabric for k's quilts from her kids clothes

Today we puttered around the house and had lunch with T. Got a organizing/decorating magazine- makes me want to redo the house. Hubby added a shelf to the island in the kitchen and a picture rail in the bedroom for me. There's a bunch of things around the house- big and small that I'd like to finish this year. Watching Alcatraz - not sure I entirely understand it- but I like Sam niel. One of my accuquilt dies is bent- it bums me out.
Good things about today
-sleeping in!!
-cutting fabric
-new episode of castle

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I haven't been great at keeping up with writing every day this week.
It's a three day weekend, so yay. Didn't do too much today. Watched an episode of downton abbey, worked out and sewed. We had a late lunch out and ran a few errands. I made oatmeal choc chip cookies and watched The Fades and the new episode of Nerdist (yay!). I'm almost done piecing the quilt top for LL's baby. My goal is to get that quilted and my carpenter's star top finished by the end of the week so I can mail LL her quilt (she's due feb 1, but might have a c-section the week before) and get the star top in the mail to my sister in law for her to quilt on her long arm machine. Then I can focus on my nerdist quilt. I'm really excited for that. I also signed up for the next round of Hoopla swap on craftster (because I don't have enough projects going right?!) Next weekend I'm going to get together with K and B to celebrate their birthdays. I need to go get a shower gift for B's bridal shower next month. We're going to stay pretty busy the next 2 months on weekends. The end of this month we have the comic convention thing (yay Stan Lee!), then the They Might Be Giants show and sister in law's bday (have to mail something), then B's bridal shower and Valentines and then the next weekend is E's bday and we're going to go see her, then our friend T's birthday. First weekend in March is hubby's bday and my sister's bday, then we have B's wedding and G's bday and then at the end of March - Nerdist show!!!

Friday Jan, 13. 2012
Good Things
~New episode of Supernatural

Saturday Jan 14, 2012
~Oatmeal cookies
~Nerdist episode!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Monday I was not feeling well.
Good things January 10, 2012
~ played with new sewing machine
~watched some downton abbey

Good things January 11, 2012
~pho with hubby
~ little bit of sewing
~listened to the new florence+machine

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Jan 8,2012
Moments of happy
-finished another throw pillow
- worked out
- started my nerdist way/ goal book

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Spies and little sleep.

We got up super early to go give a friend a ride to a class. We grabbed breakfast and then killed time at home depot. There was an inflatable yo gabba gabba Christmas decoration on clearance that I really wanted to get. We looked at lamanent and hard wood as we want to tear out the carpet in our room. Also looked at dishwashers as ours is going to need to be replaced soon. Then we went and saw Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. It was really good. We came home and hung out for a bit. Then we went and picked up T from his class, grabbed some food, dropped off T and then went and ran some errands. I made a new pillow cover today- so yay! Productive!
Jan 7 2012- reasons to smile
-day spent with hubby
-good movie
- pillow cover

Friday, January 6, 2012

Yay! Packages

I love when packages come in the mail even when they're ones you ordered. There was a new years sale on karma loop- so I splurged a little. I got the tokidoki tote and shirt I've been eyeing and a pair of pink Melissa shoes(I did need new flats for work... Justified right?). I also got E a tokidoki sweatshirt she mentioned ( 3 times) that she liked. I busted out my accuquilt and started cutting squares from scraps(yay!) for the nerdist quilt I want to make. I'm so glad it's the weekend. Wish I was sleeping in tomorrow but we've got to give a friend a ride. We may go see a movie tomorrow - probably tinker tailor solider spy. I'm trying to read the book bit it'd really dense.

January 6. 2012
Happy moments
-stuff in the mail
- new episode of supernatural

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Nothing too exciting yesterday but I did get some fabric cut so
January 4,2012
Good thing- worked on a quilt.

Today we got to go out to dinner with friends tonight and that was great. I'm definately ready for the weekend. I got some really cute things for some friend's baby. She's adorable and so is the harajuku line- I would buy it all if I had a baby ( lets not mention how much I bought for G for Christmas )
Jan 5, 2012
- moment of happy ... Baby snuggles!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Its chilly (for here) so my office at work is freezing- I was so happy to get home. Good evening- briefly worked out, made chicken and tried some store bought polenta. Nice hot bath and vegging out to the tv- may even sew a bit.
Today's moment of happy - hubby was able to pick up the New Girl prize pack I won from the tv station
Also blooming tea fail

Monday, January 2, 2012

I had the day off today. R went to go meet to switch the girls with their mom. Normally I would have gone with him, but the thought of 6hrs in the car on my only day off was not very appealing. I got up with him and saw them off. I watched some Gossip Girl on Netflix (I know... I'm embarassed for myself for watching it- but I got sucked in). I washed our sheets, tried to start making a dent in cleaning that needed to be done and worked out some on the eliptical machine. I went and had lunch with our friend T. Nothing exciting, but it was nice to get out of the house. Came home and puttered and did a little work on a quilt. Something was off with either my bobbin or my spool of thread and the tension was all jacked. I'm going to have to fool with it tonight.
We watched Tree of Life. Not entirely sure I understood the whole thing. I guess it was commentary on faith. None the less, it was visually very pretty. We then started Justified. I liked the first episode. It made me think we need to see the other 2 seasons of Deadwood, but I've heard the ending is disappointing, so I've held off.

Jan 2, 2012 Good Things
~Lunch with a Friend
~2 miles on eliptical
~Finished one set of blocks for quilt
~Comfy Kitty

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, Fresh start.
I read The Nerdist Way by Chris Hardwick this last week and really enjoyed it. He's hilarious, but it also had some valid advice. It's not as if what he was saying was anything new, but he framed it in a nerdy way. I think I'm going to try to follow his goal model for somethings I'd like to accomplish this year. Dunno, that I'll put them all in here, but I definately want to try and write down something happy/good/fun/'warm fuzzy' for each day. Sure, it's easy to find things to complain about, but there is always something nice each day even if it's just a warm bath.

So, here goes -
January 1st 2012 - Made homemade pizza with the family - one with store bought crust, one with homemade and everyone liked them.

I'd also like to take a picture for each day... but that didn't happen today.