Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting to know you... getting to know all about you...

I've had a crummy couple of days, but I figured, rather than whine about them, perhaps, I would post a few random things about me.

5 Celebrities I think are Sexy (in no particular order)
1. James Spader. I will now forever have a soft spot in my heart even if he grows out of favor, as the first thing I said when I met my husband was "not to be creepy or anything, but you look like James Spader" (said after staring at him at a concert, trying to place who I thought I looked like)... seriously, I saw his HS senior pic... Hello Steph from Pretty In Pink
2. John Cusack. What can I say, I have a love of cute guys from the 80s. I watched my tape of Say Anything... so many times, it broke and I had to get the dvd. Too bad he's made such crap movies lately, I miss seeing him.
3. John Barrowman. H-O-T. He's a more recent crush. Sure, he's cute and flirty in Doctor Who, but he's down right steamy in Torchwood. I even went so far as to watch the story arc he was in on Desperate Housewives (I've never seen an episode of that show before in my life).
4. Liev Schreiber. I liked him way before he was Sabertooth (or whatever in X-men). My dad used to groan when I'd watch "A Walk on The Moon" again.
5. Paul Rudd. I dunno... geeky charm, thought he was so cute in Clueless and as sad Mr Paris in Romeo & Juliet.
*Please note, I have not included my music crushes :P
** How in the world did I forget DAVID TENNANT!!!?!? I Love him. It took awhile to warm up to Matt Smith, but David Tennant will always be *my* doctor

Shows I am currently enjoying
~Mad Men.... we have been plowing through this, and started the third season yesterday to be caught up by the new season this summer
~Parenthood -- I really like Peter Krause and Lauren Graham, so maybe that's why I like it so much.
~Glee -- Yup, I'm a gleek, and have an unexplainable crush on Mr Shue.
~Re-watching True Blood in anticipation of season 3
~Bones. I had read quite a few of her books before the show started 5 yrs ago. I thought it looked stupid and nothing like the books... And it had Angel from Buffy, and from the few shows of Buffy I had seen... he was awful. However, last summer, TNT was overrun with reruns and I started to like it. I've seen all of this season and have sorta grown like David Boreanaz.

Books in my bag and on my night stand that have bookmarks in them at various stages of being read
~The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
~Burned (House of Night 7) *no comment please, its light fluffy reading and I checked it out from the library*
~Beneath the Light (I think that's what it's called... its a Tony Hill story -- LOVED Wire in the Blood).

I guess that's all for now, I better get back to working on my thesis, at least for a bit.

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